Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kid's club day 3

Day three started just like yesterday

-woke up early again (for holidays hehe)... 7:40 i think
-Got out the door by 8:15
-Went to pick up a helper called Miranda

-Got to church at 9
-Started to help with stuff and had a meetings

-As always, the kids came at 9:30
-Today we had 21 kids... so many... its so tiring...
-Spent an hour playing with play-do (or as the kids call it tomato sauce) and making WATER BOMBS !!!

-Then we had our outdoor activity, first was a pond came, it was short coz it was too windy to play it....

-Then we had the highlight of the day, i can't describe, but you had to throw water bombs with a cloth as a team across... its like volleyball...

-Well the kids' got all hyper coz water was involved... we had a few injuries, a few criers, but all in all, we they were all happy and we got tired =P

-Then we had the usual aussie morning tea (coridal and biscuits...) my asianness will never allow me to get this....

-Then we had a few singing, more practice for me...
-The bible talk was sweet, it was about Ehud... the guy who was left-handed, tricked everyone to get into the palace with a sword because he was left-handed, tricked the guards to let him talk to the king in secret, opened a scroll (that was suppose to be tributes to the king), then stabbed him with the left-handed sword... and left in secret and took the guards an hour to realise that their king was dead
-The teacher forgot to mention that the king was so fat that the sword was covered by his fat ><><

-Then we had some colour-in and it was all good and everyone went home....

The kids were awesome seriously, one of them tried dancing :D... didn't get to teach him though...

Oh yeah study, i just found some materials for Bored Of Studies and im going thru them, i make my own notes next week...

Dancing wise... kekeke... i'm getting something :D... a bit more work and i think i can surprise you guys maybe the end of the holidays... fingers cross...

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